Mastering Your Mind: A Guide to Guarding Your Thoughts


Proverbs 16:3 (KJV) reminds us to entrust our actions to the Lord, and in doing so, our thoughts will find stability. It may seem odd to speak of our thoughts as a living entity, but indeed, they are. Our minds are battlegrounds where the fiercest spiritual conflicts occur. For many years, I struggled with the overwhelming influence of impure images, particularly from pornography. This constant bombardment corrupted my thinking, necessitating a continuous cleansing through immersion in God’s Word to replace those toxic thoughts with His truth.

In reflecting on my journey, I resonate with the sentiment expressed in a Christian rap song, “Catch me at the Brook,” where the artist laments the desire to erase years of pagan influence on the mind. The struggle is real, but through Christ, victory is possible. As 2 Corinthians 10:5 reassures us, we can, by God’s grace, bring every thought into obedience to Christ.

We face an adversary intent on infiltrating our thought life, aiming to accuse, condemn, allure, and ultimately disrupt our devotion to Jesus. In my book, “Silent Assassins of the Soul,” I emphasized the importance of surrendering to the Holy Spirit daily, allowing His guidance to dismantle Satan’s hold over immoral behavior.

While we diligently protect our homes and possessions with security systems, we mustn’t neglect safeguarding our hearts and minds from spiritual intrusion. Proverbs 4:23 (AMP) admonishes us to diligently protect our hearts, for they determine the course of our lives. A pure heart produces righteousness, while a corrupted one breeds abomination.

The key to victory lies in guarding our hearts and minds against harmful influences. This necessitates a daily battle, but one worth fighting. Though we may stumble and fall at times, we must continually allow the Word of God to cleanse and transform our thinking. Our redeemed souls harbor new desires and purposes, but we must actively engage in spiritual warfare, as outlined in Ephesians 6.

As Oswald Chambers aptly puts it, the Bible does not merely excite; it nourishes. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we experience spiritual rejuvenation akin to the refreshing effect of fresh air. Let us, therefore, humbly receive God’s grace each day, striving to be vessels of righteousness for His glory. With love, praise, and adoration, let us commit our steps to the Lord, trusting in His guidance and the cleansing power of His Word. Amen.


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