The Real Life Choices You Face: Living for the Moment or Building for Eternity?


Ever feel the pressure to fit in, be popular, or do things just because everyone else is doing it? Let’s be real; it’s something we all face. But today, I want to talk about why you might want to reconsider some of those choices and instead focus on what really matters.

You might have heard about Paul, the Apostle. This guy was on to something when he said in I Timothy 4:16, “Keep a close watch on how you live and what you teach. Stick to what’s right. Do it for yourself and for everyone who hears you.” Think about it: What if your actions could have an impact not just on your life but on the people around you?

The True Cost of Fitting In

Look, hanging out with people who don’t share your beliefs might seem like the cool thing to do. But ask yourself this: Is being popular today worth risking something as significant as your spiritual well-being or your eternal life? You might be the only exposure to spirituality that some of your friends have. So if you’re not walking the talk, what message are you really sending?

Real Talk: Consequences

It’s easy to get lost in the thrill of the moment, whether it’s partying, getting buzzed, or hooking up. But the choices you make now can seriously affect your future. Imagine you’re the star player on your school’s football team, dreaming of college scholarships and following the legacy of your dad and granddad. But one night, you give in to the moment. A few weeks later, your girlfriend tells you she’s pregnant. Now, instead of heading for a football scholarship, you’re looking at fatherhood and responsibilities you’re not ready for. Watch “To Save a Life” for a great look at what this looks like lived out!

Peer Pressure and Drug Use

Speaking of choices, drugs are another huge pitfall you might face. If you’ve committed yourself to a life in Christ, remember this: Your body is more than just flesh and bones; it’s a temple that the Lord dwells in. So, why would you damage it? True friends won’t push you into doing something that can ruin your life.

Reset Your Mindset

Romans 12:1-2 puts it well: “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind.” This is your chance to break free from the temptations and pressures that can derail your life. Start by changing the way you think, and you’ll soon find the path that leads to a life of purpose.

The Tragic Reality

I knew a guy growing up, a good friend of mine, who got caught in the snare of drug abuse. He paid the ultimate price; he lost his life. Don’t let that be you.

The Choice is Yours

Your life is what you make of it. Make choices that not only benefit you but also the people around you. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live a life that’s abundant in true happiness and meaning. Don’t trade that for a fleeting moment of pleasure. Choose wisely, guys. You’ve got this.


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